Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmastime Is Here!

 Christmastime Is Here!

So, here we are...the week before Christmas and another Covid outbreak is beginning.  Hard to believe this will be the second holiday that we will not be getting together with friends and family. We are not taking any risks and are happy to be together and enjoying our decorations.

This tree is about 15 years old - we purchased it for the home we built at that time.  We downsized and needed a slender tree...and it has held up pretty well.  Some of the lights have gone bad, but I added some pretty candle looking lights. The tree is the perfect size in our apartment now...but the discussion is "do we need a new - or possibly a smaller tree"?   The discussion is on hold since it was hard to find a new tree this year, and we still love this one.  It is not as realistic looking as the trees that are available today.  So, for one more year we are enjoying this tree and all the decorations from over the years.

These little elves were purchased the first year we were they are VINTAGE from 1977!  They are supposed to be stocking holders, but they don't fit the stockings on this new mantel, but they still look cute.

We now hang our stockings on the bookcase...right by the print of Santa Claus and this year, a lovely skater/winter trees Christmas card from our neighbors.

The other elf sits on the opposite side of the mantel.

Just a simple candle and wreath on the coffee table...along with our collection of holiday books...and some seasonal napkins for snacking on cookies!

Eagles snowmen have a place to watch the fun...and I always have a copy of Dicken's Christmas Carol open and ready to read.

This nativity set belonged to John's mother...and we use it every year.  It is quite large so the camels stay on the windowsill.  The baby Jesus does not appear until Christmas Eve, right before we have our traditional Holy Supper - an Eastern European tradition.

I keep a basket with all our Christmas cards and love to read them over and over.  Seems this year we are getting more cards than in the past...people need to connect.  I sent out over 100 cards - and always send Three Kings cards for good luck in the New Year!

Santa Cook watches over the kitchen...the little Santa mug belonged to my mother.

I love the Mary Engelbreit tin...a good thought for this season.  The lamp is a holiday wine bottle from years ago...I have never seen them for sale since.  

Of course the mouse in the clock needs a stocking...

and the foyer displays the certificate from The Read Bedford Falls ( Seneca Falls, NY ) that proclaims the bells rang for my dear husband on his 60th birthday...if you love It's A Wonderful Life be sure to check out the Bedford Falls weekend in NY.

Some poinsettia and a Santa hat at the doorway...

With not a lot of company coming this year I did not pull out all the holiday dishes...just put a few touches and an angel out...

And I like to scatter holiday packages on top of the hutch for a festive look.

The dining room table centerpiece is a footed bowl and plate of the discontinued Pfaltzgraff Christmas Heirloom.  I have service for about 20...and just a few years ago found these two pieces in a Goodwill store.   They make the perfect centerpiece filled with greens and red balls.

I love battery operated candles...all of them are on timers and I love the glow in the evening!

Christmas is a time for I pull out our photos with Santa!

A little bit of greenery brightens up the sink area.

Our Merry Christmas Wreath on the front door is made of Cat's Meow It's A Wonderful Life a bell so and angel can get wings...and a few of Zuzu's petals tucked around 320 Sycamore!

Well...the last batch of cookies came out of the oven today...and we are just about ready to celebrate the holidays.  What are your holiday plans ?  Has the new outbreak of Omicron changed your plans?  Wishing you a wonderful Merry Christmas - please leave a comment below and tell me about your holiday.  Thanks so much for stopping by Our New Vista!

Monday, December 6, 2021

This and That and What I Bought


This and That and What I Bought!

Hard to believe it is already December - the end of November has been busy and December is gearing up for the holidays.  Low key, as we are still hiding from Covid and be VERY careful as the cases are high in our area and the vaccination rates are not great.  But, I still decorated for the holiday and finally got around to making new pillows for our living room.   
These are the old pillows.  When we moved here I thought we needed a change - and made these to pull the colors of the apartment together.  I also made a drape for the table between our chairs - 
but I never really LOVED the fabric.  I had some fabric leftover from our last home.  This fabric was used for the drapes in the living and dining room - and when I saw photos of our old home I remembered how much I loved this fabric and it would work great here.
Walmart had pillow forms in a larger size than what I used before and I bought several.

I used the packaging as a pattern...
Then I cut out two smaller, overlapping pieces for the back of the pillow.  I decided to make the covers removable so if I change my mind again or see fabric I like in the future I don't have to purchase any more pillows.   

I turned over the ends on the backing pieces, put right sides together and got ready to sew...

Digging around in my sewing supplies I found navy piping 
and added it to the edges.

then started to sew the whole thing together.  This is my 48 year old Sears Kenmore sewing machine.  Wow...has this served me well.  Made more clothes, pillows, etc. - and still going strong.
I sewed together the ends of the piping to fit the size of the cover...
It took me a few minutes to remember which presser foot to use.  I used to sew a, not so much except for crafts and repairs.
Once the sewing was complete I inserted the pillow...

And there it was!

I love the way the piping turned out...and the richness of the fabric.
With some scraps I made the other accent pillow...
The table cover completes the look...

and one more pillow to finish off this chair.  I am so glad I saved the fabric and love the way this project turned out. 
The rest of the last few days has been busy with cleaning out the upright freezer in our laundry room to get ready to store holiday baking...and shopping.  
Here are some of my latest finds - 
I had one of the old Misto olive oil sprayers for several years and it was not spraying very well I found this one on Amazon, and so far, so good.  Sprays a nice, fine mist!  
You can find it here - 

There is a nice little thrift shop near my favorite grocery store.  I always stop in to look for some books and found all of these for 1.00 each
I rarely look at the clothing - because I have WAY too many clothes already - but the 1.00 rack was being stocked with NEW items - I think from the tags they are from the recently closed K-Mart.
These two shirts looked cute, and were supposed to sell for 5.00 but there were several of each style for a dollar!

When I got them home I found the original tags...

This one looks like it would be good with black leggings for the holidays...

And I loved the colors of this teal and navy one.
Then made a stop at Good's Store...a treasure trove of everything you need and can't find anywhere many things I did not know I needed.

Happy to find this shoe stretch product that I have been looking for - works great on tight boots and shoes.
The next day was a sale day at Yankee Candles...this medium two wick jar was only 9.00 and I think the scent will be nice and fresh after all the holiday scents are finished in the New Year.
Last stop was the Talbots sale...50% off of any one item and I have several pants that will work well with this sweater.
And that was more shopping for least until next week.
Have you been shopping and sprucing up your home for the holidays ?  What are your favorite buys or bargains.  Please leave a comment below and let me know - and thank you so much for stopping by Our New Vista.  Have a fabulous week !

January Reads

  January Reads Winter is the perfect time to read!  I love to read - not surprising for a retired librarian.  In my years as Middle School ...