Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dollar Tree and Summer Reading


Dollar Tree and Summer Reading

Summer has been moving along and next week will be the 4th of July.  I found this cute tea towel on my latest visit to Dollar Tree.  I like to have some seasonal towels to hang on my dishwasher and this gnome one fit the bill.
They add a nice little touch to the season.
I also like to stock up on other towels...especially these lemon/citrus themed towels.  
These are more of a terry-like feel - they used to have linen towels with lemons all over and I bought bunches of them, but have used them all.  Will have to keep my eye out for them as I use them for gifts.
I make a Lemon Poppyseed Bread that I often give as a gift - it is SUCH an easy thing to make.  I often make several batches ( some big loaves, some small) and freeze them to have on hand.
Here is the recipe...years ago my dear friend and I were teaching together in the same building.  She was the Home Economics ( now called FCS...Family and Consumer Science) teacher and I was the librarian.   We often joked that she loved to read, I loved to cook, and we should switch places one day.   She often made this bread - really more of a cake - with her classes and the students would share it with the faculty.   I have been making it for many years!
Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
1 pkg. lemon cake mis
1 pkg. lemon instant pudding ( I use sugar free)
1 cup water
1/2 cup veg. oil ( I use Smart Balance)
4 eggs ( I try to use Eggland's Best)
2 1/2 oz. of poppy seeds

Mix dry ingredients, add water, oil, and eggs.  Mix thoroughly with an electric mixer for 2 minutes.  Stir in poppy seeds.  Pour into 2 greased loaf pans and back at 350 degrees for 55 minutes.
I sprinkle some demera sugar on top before baking.  Cool, wrap in foil and then you can freeze to have on hand.  Truth be told, they rarely make it into the husband LOVES this treat!
This morning I delivered one to a friend  - I wrap the tea towel around the loaf and it just makes it special!
Some other items followed me home from Dollar Tree....I always pick up some batteries.  These D batteries are for a candle that I use on our patio and the price is right.
These sparkling waters were mentioned by Kathryn at 
Do It On A Dime  I never would have thought to look at the bottom shelves for these if she had not mentioned them.   I tried the Lime flavor and loved it - 6 cans of 11.5 oz for 1.25, and bought the Cucumber Mint to try.  I figure that will be a "spa like" refresher.
Keeping up the lemon theme - though not from Dollar Tree - I found this great top at the Talbots Outlet near my home.  I love when Talbots sends those $20 dollar certificates and always manage to find something.  The day I went everything in the outlet was 60% off, so this was a bargain.  Later that week I was browsing through a local department store and found this lemon yellow bag...pretty, roomy, and only 20 bucks, too!

Summer Reading !

I love Summer Reading programs...always had fun with the children when I worked in a public library, and as I moved to school libraries I always encouraged my students to participate in the public library programs.  So grateful my public library has a program for's what I have been reading so far this summer....

This biography of the beloved Cokie Roberts was so inspiring...I loved her reporting and this book written by her husband reinforced what I always felt - that she was a wonderful woman.

I loved this book...delves into the idea of  parallel lives, or is it just that you are have "false memories".   

OK, I will admit, I will read anything with PARIS in the title.  This was an OK read, a mystery and it was entertaining and of course, PARIS!

Just finished this one this morning....I enjoy the way Elizabeth Strout writes and her look at life.  Was able to hear her speak at an author luncheon a few years ago so I always pick up her newest title.  Lucy Barton - from her other books - is the narrator in this one.
That's it for now...starting another book, hopefully at the pool this afternoon.  Summer Reading - I love it.
What have you been up to ?   Are you reading any great books?  Participating in a Summer Reading Program?  Or did you find anything great at Dollar Tree?   Please leave a comment below - I love hearing from you !  Have a great day!


  1. I loved The Paris Library! Some friends weren’t too impressed with The Paris Apartment. Currently reading The Good Left Undone, Adriana Trigiani’s new book and really enjoying it! Your gift idea is super!

    1. I have The Good Left Undone....Adriana was here for a fundraiser for our library and we all got a copy as part of the program. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for stopping by, Nellie - have a great week!

  2. You got some good DT scores! I should have picked up that Evian when I saw it. Now it's not there!! That lemon poppyseed bread sounds yummy. I am getting back into reading again!

    1. Heather...I go in spurts. And now I am on a roll! Will post the title on the next blog. Hope you are enjoying is rainy here - perfect for tea and reading !

  3. The dish towel is pretty and perfect for the summer. The bread sounds nice too and thanks for the recipe. I heard some mixed reviews on The Paris Apartment and I read The Guest List by this author and liked it. I just finished reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and I loved it. I want to read more of the classics and books by Jane Austen this summer.

    1. Oh, Julie - reading the classics is a great idea. I loved Jane Eyre...the B&B we stayed at in Boonsboro, MD had a Jane and Mr. Rochester room and I think that is the one I want to stay in next time! Have a great week!

  4. Thanks for the bread recipe. It does sound good. I am a quilter so don't get a lot of time to read but I have friends who do so I'll share this with them.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Judy. I am impressed that you are a quilter...I love to sew, have tons of leftover material and think "someday I will make a quilt"...but that day has not come yet! Have a great week !


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