Sunday, August 14, 2022

Daddy's Chocolate Cake


Daddy's Chocolate Cake

Did you ever have a recipe that you used to make all the time...and then for some reason you don't make it for years and years?  That happened to me recently with my recipe for Daddy's Chocolate Cake.  This is a recipe my mom used to make ALL the time when we were growing up - and it got nicknamed Daddy's Chocolate Cake because my mom first made when she and my dad were dating and he loved it.  Way back, in the 1930's, my mom had an after school job helping a woman who was a home economist from the college nearby.  I think her names was Mrs. Kushki.  Many of our family recipes are ones my mom learned while doing housework and helping Mrs. Kuski in the kitchen.  That is where this recipe comes from - my mom would make it with icing some days, sometimes I remember her just sprinkling walnuts on top before it baked...but it was a staple in our house.  My brother also loved this cake and we would joke that we could tell when he was coming home to visit because she would make this cake!  Last week I was going through my recipe box and found the card where I copied it from her when I was first married...and thought it was time to make it again.  

You can see that the card was well "loved"...all those stains from years of making it.   I remember how much I loved those recipe cards with the blue and white motif!
This is a very easy cake to make....
This cake uses baking cocoa which I always have on hand...

and one stick of margarine - or as my mom used to call it - "oleo"!  I am guessing you can use butter as well.
Into one cup of boiling water put 3/4 cup of cocoa and one stick of margarine.  Mix well.

Mix in 2 cups of sugar...
then add two eggs and mix well.
The recipe says to use sour milk....I am thinking that means buttermilk, but we NEVER used that.   Take 1/2 cup of regular milk ( and this day I had no milk so I used half and half) and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and stir in two teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of vanilla...and mix it up till frothy.

Add this to the cocoa mixture alternating the milk mix with 2 cups of flour.  Mix well.
Spray a pan with nonstick spray - or as my mom did, use the wrapper from the oleo to grease the pan...

Pour in the batter and smooth it out...then bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees for a glass pan or 375 for a metal pan.  The house smells WONDERFUL while this is baking!

When finished baking, remove from oven and let cool.
I made a very simple icing ( or frosting) to top the cake.
I used about 3/4 cup of Smart Balance margarine - I find this works great for making icing and baking cookies, too.

I added a bit of vanilla and beat the mixture well...

adding powdered sugar to get it to the right consistency.  I forgot to measure how much, but you will know when it looks ( and tastes ) right!

Spread the icing all over the cake...and I topped it with chocolate sprinkles - or as we call them - jimmies for a fun touch.

We were so excited to eat a piece that I forgot to take a photo before I cut the cake!
  It is a big cake...good for a crowd or pot luck.   I shared pieces with several neighbors and then put the rest in the freezer to enjoy another day...because really, I could eat the whole thing.  Tasted like memories!  And, it freezes very well...we have enjoyed it since and it tastes just as good as the day it was baked.

Here is the recipe - I am not sure how to make it so you can print it, but hopefully this helps - 
Daddy's Chocolate Cake
1 cup boiling water
1 stick margarine
3/4 cup cocoa
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup of milk - add teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons baking soda, mix.
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour

Melt the margarine and cocoa in boiling water.  Add sugar, mix.  Add eggs, mix.  Add flour and milk mixture alternately with flour...mix well.
Bake for 35 minutes in a 350 degree oven for glass and a 375 degree oven for metal.
Cool and frost as desired.  ENJOY!
This is a very "homey" cake...not fancy, but oh, so good.
Do you have any recipes that you have "re-discovered" or have a family story that goes with them?  I would love to hear from you - please leave a comment below!  Thanks so much for stopping by Our New Vista!


  1. Always love this cake !

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wow! Ann this cake looks so good. I know my family would love this cake. Thanks for sharing this cake recipe and I hope you have a nice week Ann.

    1. Thanks, Julie - hope your family enjoys it !


  4. What a great post and lovely trip down memory lane for you, Ann. Thanks for the recipe. Just from the ingredient list I already know it's delish! "Oleo" and "Jimmies" were a blast from the past, lol. Can't wait to try it. Thanks.

  5. This sounds like a great cake recipe! Thank you for sharing it! It’s being added to my recipe file!

  6. Thanks, Nellie - hope you enjoy it !

  7. Oleo! Yes, my mother (80) still calls it this 🤗

  8. Hi Ann, YES, I remember this too! My grandmother used to make this frequently when I was in grade school and then my mom. It was around frequently, with buttercream frosting and then sometimes just dusted with powdered sugar. Brings back memories. Thanks so much for the sweet visit!

    1. We just finished the last two pieces I put in the freezer...think I will make it for my dad's birthday in November. Glad it brought back memories of your grandmother !

  9. Yummy. I want some. Regine

  10. I love these old timey recipes and you know it's a good one when the recipe card looks so well loved. This looks delicious!! Cake does freeze well and I'm sure you'll be enjoying it for awhile!

    1. Thanks, Heather - we did freeze it, but it defrosts too easy, too. Can't make another soon because we will eat it all !


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