Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thankful Brunch


Thankful Brunch

Last week we hosted a "cousins brunch" - a good time to get together and be thankful for family.  

I had put away all of the Halloween decorations and pulled out the Thanksgiving items...and we found a Sunday where John's team - the EAGLES - had a bye. It was a great day.

I like to make the entry welcoming and I am grateful to 
Ann at On Sutton Place for the great printables she shares for each season!

If you remember "Aunt Mamie's Ghost" from the Halloween post, she also made this turkey for us.

Kept the same display on our coffee table...just added a pumpkin, a turkey, and some corn.

A little bit of Thanksgiving at the wine rack...

and in the corner of the kitchen, too.
We love to entertain, and the peninsula in our apartment makes a great set up.  On the end near the wine rack I set up a bar...some mimosa drinks, some sparkling apple cider, and water. 

I set the table, but since there were 9 of us we put the dinner plates on the buffet and had people fill plates before sitting down as it was a tight table.  I put in the leaf for our dining table and we are glad we can accommodate up to 10 people comfortably. 

I made pumpkin nut muffins a week before and froze them...they freeze very well.  You can find the recipe here -

I changed my scone recipe - and used craisins instead of apricots.  They turned out great.

I like to post a chalkboard menu so everyone knows what is being served, just in case there are an allergies.

Some candy always makes a nice touch.  The cornucopia belonged to my mother-in-law.  Originally it was an purple color, but I used brown paint and it looks great.

I made a great crab quiche - but forgot to take photos of the process - will do that next time I make it.  French Toast Casserole is always a hit and the recipe is linked here - 

I had a little basket of treats to take home...filled little bags with a muffin and some fall themed chocolate kisses.

Tied with some orange raffia and a little tag that reads "Thankful for You!"...also from On Sutton Place.
It was a great day - one cousin brought her parents old photo albums, we pulled out all of our old family photos and it was so much fun to see childhood pictures and the faces of those who have passed away.  Several people saw photos of their parents when they were younger...and some never saw those photos.  Thankful for my printer/copier/scanner so I could make copies for them to have and cherish.
Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving!  Hope whatever your day holds you enjoy.  Many, many things to be thankful for, but wanted you to know I am thankful for all the bloggers I have met.  Please leave a comment below - I am thankful and it makes my day!
What are you planning for Thanksgiving ???
Thanks for visiting Our New Vista !


  1. Your pics are great and the Thanksgiving decorations are lovely

  2. Sorry, I’m not anonymous, it’s me Mary…..

  3. That looked like such a fun and delicious brunch! You're making me so hungry. It all sounded delish! I love that you all looked through photo albums and that you were able to scan and print photos for your cousins as well! We are going to my mother in law's for Thanksgiving and bringing some side dishes. I hope you have a lovely day!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family !

  4. Love your blog and your uplifting posts. Dee in ND

    1. Thanks, Dee....Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. How nice to host a cousins brunch Ann. The menu sounds so good and delicious and thanks for the recipes. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

  6. It sounds like such a lovely way to celebrate with family.


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