Monday, March 25, 2024

Ann's Amazon Acquisitions


Ann's Amazon Acquisitions!

Seems I have been ordering a bunch of things from Amazon lately and thought I would share the things I am enjoying...
First up is the CD player pictured above.
I looks like an old fashioned CD Walkman - remember those.  Here's the story - We purchased a new car over a year ago and were sad to find there was no CD player in the car.  Found out that most new cars are not putting in CD players...everyone is streaming the music from their phone, or listening to Sirius radio.  And we love listening to our favorite channels on Sirius, but we have HUNDREDS of CD's that we love...and sometimes we want to listen to the entire album, not just songs someone selected to play on the radio.  So...I went in search of a CD player.
When we found there was no CD player in the car the dealer gave me an adapter for a flash drive.  I started downloading some CDs onto the flash drive, plugged it into the port in the console, and it worked great.  Sound through our new car speakers was amazing...but it was a pain to do just a few CDs and not a good option.
So...I figured if the cable could play from a flash drive, I would get a CD player and hook it up with the cable.  Ordered a returnable one from Amazon and it did not work.   Was resigned to the fact that we would just have to listen to our CDs at home.  
Then one day I was listening to an audiobook on my phone and when I got into the car the narration automatically started on the car speakers through Bluetooth. 
SO....I ordered this Bluetooth player and paired it to my car Bluetooth just like you pair your phone...and IT WORKED!

It has been wonderful - we took it on our recent Road Trip to Florida and got to listen to so many CDs we love.  It was easy to install, never skipped, and we love it ! You can find it here - 

I love candles and enjoy the flameless candles with remotes so I can use the timers to control when they turn on.  Many of my old candles were not the "flickering flame" models, so I have been replacing them with new ones.
I purchased these in red and blue...and I love them.  I wish they were rechargeable instead of battery operated  - but for the price they are great.  You can find them here - 

I want to try shredding cheese instead of purchasing packaged shredded cheese, so I purchased this to work with my KitchenAid Stand Mixer.  I have not tried it yet, but it got good reviews and I am looking forward to shredding some cheddar cheese today.  You can find it here - 

I love the soap pumps in our bathroom, but the pumps were showing wear and getting hard to keep clean.  Any plastic ones I purchased did not look great and then I found these  - stainless steel and a great feel.  They work great.  You can find them here - 

With Spring on the way and lots of fruits and veggies at the market I wanted to find something to keep them fresh in the refrigerator.  I found these containers and they seem to work wonderfully.  I used to use the "green containers" by Debbie Meyer and they are great for crackers and other items, but the fruit got soggy on the bottom.  These little drainers keep the fruit nice and fresh.  You can find them here - 

Sock Rings for the laundry !  I found these years ago and they are great for keeping socks in pairs through the washer and dryer.  Over the years the ones I had got old and started to fall apart - and I could not find them anywhere.  When I searched on Amazon, the ones I used to use were $17.99 and then shipping!  I hate when a product I use gets bought out and then shows up at a much higher price.  But, I found these at a great price - with Prime delivery, and I think they work even better than the old ones.   You can find them here- 
Sock Holders

And last of all, added this trash can to our bathroom.  We had a step on trash container and it was always getting pushed into the wall and not opening correctly.  I found this battery operated one and we LOVE it.   It holds a grocery plastic bag inside perfectly so it always stays clean, and it works perfectly!  You can find it here - 

Have you been shopping on Amazon lately?  Would love to hear about your favorite items.  
And wishing a very Happy Easter to everyone, too.  We will be visiting friends for Easter dinner and looking forward to a great day.  Hope it is a great holiday for everyone.  
Leave a comment below - I appreciate each one and love hearing from you!


  1. Hi, Again, you never cease to amaze me with all the knowledge that sweet brain of yours passes on to us. Thank you!!!

  2. I didn't think they even made CD players anymore! That is a great find. We started buying blocks of cheese just this past month or so and I tend to stock up on several kinds; run them through my food processor (one at a time) and throw them into freezer bags to have on had for recipes. It's working great and doesn't add too much time onto my food prepwork.

  3. That is awesome that you found that CD player for your car. I like the fruit containers and sock ring is genius. Thanks for sharing your finds on Amazon. Have a nice week and a happy Easter.

  4. That is so cool about the bluetooth cd player. We ended up donating most of our cd's when we moved but I do still have a cd player in my car (it's old). I just tend to listen to spotify or podcasts in the car these days. You found so many cool items!

  5. I've been ordering a bunch of things from Amazon lately and found a great solution for playing my CDs in the car. With no built-in CD player, I tried an adapter for a flash drive and eventually found a CD player that works with Bluetooth. Now, I can enjoy my entire CD collection through the car speakers effortlessly.


I really enjoy your comments - please leave one here !

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