Monday, September 11, 2017

New Vista Patio

It has been awhile since I have posted...we survived the BIG move to our new smaller space.  We are one month into our new home and the gorgeous September weather has made our new screened patio the perfect place for lunch and relaxing!  Having had a screen porch in our former homes we were very excited that our new apartment had a screen patio just a bit smaller than the porch we were used to having.  But, the color scheme was very different - we were used to tan, white, and the light blue of our patio furniture that we had used for over 20 years.  Our furniture is in fantastic shape because we always stored it in our basement over the winter.   

 I loved using different pillows and accessories to decorate the porch from Memorial Day to Halloween.  The color of the furniture was perfect for the old porch...but we were not sure how it was going to work on the new brown/tan/black color scheme of the new place. We also LOVED the feel of the furniture...very comfortable, when it rained it dried quickly, and we had all the pieces we needed.  Too many - and we were grateful that family members could use the items that would not make the move.  SO....what to do ?  First thought was to get new "slings" for the chairs.  The frames were in perfect condition so perhaps a tweedy beige/brown/black stripe ?   I checked with the manufacturer to find a local dealer and learned that the company did not replace the slings, but they dealt with several companies who made replacement slings - all you had to do was measure, and then install.  You could rent a special tool to replace, or have a handy man do it .   Yes, well...that was not going to happen.   I feared measuring incorrectly, the slings not fitting tight, etc.   So, then I found a company near Philadelphia that would come, pick up your furniture, and make new slings, install them, and return your set looking like new.   And that is when it hit me - the furniture still LOOKED NEW.  After 22 years of use and lots of good times it still looked on to Plan B.   Find a way to make it blend into our new decor.  Off to the fabric store to find an outdoor fabric that would pull all the colors together.   

 Could not find an outdoor fabric but found this upholstery fabric that was perfect!  Using the old pillows to recover I measured and realized I forgot those dreaded words..." allow extra fabric to match plaids and patterns" !!!   Had to return to the store to buy another yard...but the fabric was on sale at 50% off, and I had an extra 15% all in I spent about $50.00 on everything.

 Once I made the covers I decided to not make them removable since I don't think I will be changing them out for the seasons, just adding other touches. It was a quick and easy project.
After I made two throw pillows and one roll pillow for the chaise I realized I had some fabric leftover.   I smiled as I remembered my mom making new curtains for our kitchen and using up every last bit of the fabric..."use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without".  While this was not exactly the same frugal project that she would do, I could not let those scraps go to - place mats!
I measured with existing mats and just turned the edges under.  One place mat had to be patched, but I figured it would be covered by a plate and no one but me would ever know!
To make it even better on a trip to Lowe's to buy an electrical switch for the garbage disposal in the home we were selling I wandered over to the outdoor section and found the perfect outdoor rug to cover the cement floor of the patio!  On sale for $99.00 it would tie the entire patio together.   My dear husband is still pondering how we went to Lowe's for a 69 cent switch and came out spending a hundred dollars...

 So, here is the result - I also made sure to spray the pillows with waterproof spray to keep them dry if rain blows in - and I used black spray paint to paint the shade on the little bird lamp, the trim on the basket, and the saucers under the planter and candle in the middle of the table.

 I added some fall touched with pumpkins and a pillow - and a great throw that was a birthday/retirement gift from a dear friend.   See how the rug pulls it all together?  I am figuring we saved TONS of money by not replacing furniture that was in perfect shape. 
All set for a lunch on the patio !

Have just about everything where we want it in our new is my sewing nook...
 With the pin cushion my mom made with the scraps from the last time she made kitchen curtains.  It was stuffed with old coffee grounds - that is supposed to sharpen the pins as you stick them in.
Hmmm....I still have a few scraps leftover.   Maybe my next project will be a cover for the pin cushion?!?!?
Thanks for visiting Our New Vista...leave a comment and let me know what you think.  
Linking up today with Between Naps on the Porch 

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